NextGen Platform Flagship Banner Ad
Advertising | Magazine
The Parking & Mobility NextGen Magazine platform is the place to be!
This fully interactive digital magazine platform is designed to enhance your reach among IPMI and industry decision-makers. Feature your animated or static visual content that will drive engaged readers directly to your desired hyperlink or website capture page. Pair your customized digital ad with display ads in the four printed edition of the magazine for maximum visibility and reach. Advertisements offer a variety of placement and size options to reach every segment of the market.
The Flagship Banner pricing is per month and will run all month long in the month selected. This is the very first banner everyone will see when the begin to scroll! (Home Page above the fold) Check out the platform here! These placements are for Members Only!
Specs for the Flagship Placement - 1140x250 pixels, Destination URL required.
If you would like to purchase 3 or more placements on the NextGen platform or would like to also place on other platforms we offer, contact to create a personalized bundle rated package for you!