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R.I.D.E. with Leadership


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are three distinct ingredients that some feel are missing from the American Pie. They are equally imperative to changing the trajectory of today’s workplace. Systemic racism has not only found its place on our streets, social media, and politics, but in our business.

Failure to properly address DEI in the workforce will inevitably affect employee morale, efficiency, and productivity. How do we create an environment that is receptive to DEI? Verna Myers, vice president of inclusion strategy at Netflix, once said “Diversity is being asked to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” Only through a comprehensive understanding of DEI and new ways of doing business and viewing employees, especially those within minority groups, will companies begin to create change.

This session is intended to show how open dialogue can be productive and break down barriers and myths to educate some on the why behind the movement; and t look at the root of the issues and learn to better and more openly listen to our fellow employees.


Tiffany Peebles is the Director of the Parking Authority of River City in Louisville, Ky. She has worked for PARC for over 25 years. She leads a diverse staff of 32 employees with a focus on employee engagement and a commitment to superior customer service. Her operations include 15 garages, three surface lots and 4,800 on-street spaces. Her department recently earned IPMI’s Accreditation Parking Organization with Distinction certification. She is a member of various boards and organizations and in her free time, enjoys playing tennis. She loves parking, people, and living with a purpose.

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