Rachel E. Yoka, CAPP
Chief Strategy Officer
International Parking & Mobility Institute
Organizational Membership
Professional Bio
A Certified Administrator of Public Parking (CAPP) and a LEED AP, Rachel spearheaded the sustainability movement in parking and mobility, integrating this expertise together for maximum on-the-ground impact in operations and mobility, including comprehensive programs leading to standards and specifications to advance the industry, These efforts culminated in the launch of Parksmart, acquired by the USGBC/GBCI alongside the suite of LEED products, for sustainable and high-performing parking structures. As Editor and contributing author for major publications, she has elevated the “study” of parking and mobility to college-level curricula. IPMI’s Sustainable Parking Design and Management: A Practitioner’s Handbook; and A Guide to Parking are now ‘required’ reading for industry professionals.
Parent: International Parking & Mobility Institute
2012 IPI Parking Professional of the Year
2013 Sustainability Leadership Pioneer, GPC
2014 40 Under 40, Philadelphia Business Journal