RFP - Automated Parking Guidance System
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, hereinafter referred to as the “University”, through its Purchasing Services Department, hereinafter referred to as “Purchasing”, requests proposals for the purchase of Automated Parking Guidance System. See the Terms and Requirements document in the BUYER ATTACHMENTS tab for specific proposal information.
The University is accepting electronic responses via the Sourcing Module. Required materials must be received by the due date and time listed. Proposals cannot be submitted once the event has closed in the Portal. Proposers should allow ample time to enter their response in the ShopUW+ Sourcing Event Module.
To respond to this event, proposers must have an online profile with JAGGAER. If you or your organization does not have an established profile with JAGGAER, register using this link: Supplier Login or Join JAGGAER Supplier Network (sciquest.com)
For more information and supplier resources, please visit the ShopUW+ Essentials website here: ShopUW+ Essentials – UW System Purchasing and Payables System – UW–Madison (wisc.edu)
Failure of the proposer to allow enough time to register appropriately and/or meet required steps will NOT be considered an extenuating circumstance. It is the proposer's sole responsibility to familiarize themselves with the electronic proposal platform and the electronic proposal submission requirements.
For all technical issues or password resets for your supplier portal login for ShopUW+, the University of Wisconsin's Procurement System, please reach out to the Jaggaer Supplier Support team at 1-800-233-1121 Option 2 or submit a support ticket via the Supplier Support page here: Supplier Support Information | JAGGAER
When all responses to event sections have been entered and saved, you must confirm your submission and click the submit button to send your response to the University. All Proposals MUST be submitted by 2:00 PM Central Time on October 25, 2024. The email address provided in your organization’s profile should receive an email confirmation message that your proposal has been submitted. Late proposals will not be accepted.
The University is not liable for any cost incurred by proposers in replying to this RFP.